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April 2004 - some more new parts ... slow month.

4/17/2004 -

This is one of those quiet months and this is not unexpected. With a 5 year time frame, there is bound to be months where nothing really get's done, even though there are some things I should probably do. I am purposely trying to pace things out so I can keep from getting into a rut on the project.

The last few weeks have been slow accumulations of various bits and pieces from various sources. The T5 steel input shaft, cylinder head dowels and all of the gaskets are from Forte's Parts Connection. Paul, aka: CobraCory was recently hired to work at Forte's and has helped me get the parts I needed:

The Canton Oil Pan was found a good price on Ebay from Dave Gagnon Racing Enterprises. Cost includes Canton Road Racing Pan for SBF, #15-630, and Oil Pump Pickup, #15-611.

The T5 tail housing yoke seal and O-rings were bought at the local Frontier Ford dealership in Santa Clara, CA. With any luck, in the coming weeks, I'll be reassmebling the T5 and prepping it for a coat of aluminum paint!

4/18/2004 -

I used my dial indicator to determine the endplay on my T5. Appears I'll need a shim that's 047" thick.. The one that came with the T5 w/aluminum input shaft was only .041". Will order several just to be sure ( .046, .047 and .048 ):

I decided to get off the "loose" crusty stuff off the T5 before setting it up for a bead blast. After 2 hours of wire wheels of various types, I ended up with this:

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