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June 2004 - Some parts, some refurb...

6/13/2004 -

I started on the disassembly of the Edelbrock Performer RPM cylinder head. I tried using the "in-car" style valve compressor which looks somewhat like a grear puller; it took about 15 minutes to get both out. At that point, I decided to get the larger C-clamp style. With just one valve removed, I can tell you it's a heck of a lot faster!!! In addition, I bought valve lapping and valve grinding tool. I don't need the grinding part since there is only a couple hundred miles on these heads but the reciprocating motion seems to me, a nice and easy method of lapping the valves. I took this picture as a reference on how things were disassembled so I can refer to it when it comes time to reassemble.

Note the differences between the intake seal on the left (there's actually a white nylon insert inside the seal) and the exhaust seal (note the thick spring-band in addition to the spring clip on top.):

I began lapping the first 3 set's of valves this evening after dinner. I found this is a pretty good method for removing some of the stubborn carbon right at the mating surfaces. Here are a few pics of the results (as compared to the picture above):

6/17/2004 -

I removed all of the valves and springs on the "driver side" head this evening. Bought a plastic organizer for only $5 which is substantially less than $29 plastic units in Summit Racings catalog. I'll work on lapping this head over the weekend:

6/25/2004 -

Feels like Christmas in June thanks to Mike Forte of Fortes Parts Connection:

The kit contained the following components:

#35-518-8 - RPM Range: 2200-6200 / Grind #: XE274HR / .....................Duration: Advertised: 274° in. / 282° ex. .....................Duration: @ .050" : 224° in. / 232° ex. .....................Valve Lift w/1.6 : .555" in. / .56"5 ex. .....................Lobe Sep. Angle: 112°

#986-16 - 1.430 Two Spring (984-974) .697 I.D. ............ Seat Load 132 lbs. @ 1.750" ............ Open Load 280 @ 1.250" ............ Bind: 1.150" ............ Rate (lbs./in.): 296

# 851-16 -OE Hyd. Roller Lifers #2138 - Magnum Double Roller #740-16 - 1.437 Steel Retainers #611-16 - Super Locks w/ lash cap recess, 10 deg. 11/32" #503-16 - Valve Stem Oil Seals, Positive Stop Teflon, .530 Guide, 11/32" #8135-LR - Ford Lifter Rail #8135-B - Lifter Rail allen bolts #8135-LG - Ford Lifter Guides

Received the "never used" Holley Street Avenger 670CFM carburator with vacume secondaries and electric choke. (Part Number: 0-80670 4150). The box was shipped inside another box that was padded with newspaper but it still appears to have taken a good beating; and inside the original box was all of the parts but not packed like the Edelbrock, which was fully enclosed with Styrofoam.

The overall condition of the carb is good but some surface rust most likely from simply not being used and not being wrapped. A little wiping with a scotch-brite pad should clean that up nicely. All of the other misc. parts that attach to the carb were still in the sealed bag; nothing torn or dented from what I can tell.

Here are a few pics of the carb:

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